Wednesday, October 20, 2010


It's hard to believe that spring seems to be here...or in the very least just around the corner. I feel badly that I never got around to taking photos of the 5 feet of snow in the backyard or the 10 feet of snow in our front yard...but seeing grass peeking out makes me forget all about it!

I plan to get some seedlings planted in the next week (in the basement for now, of course)...and I can't wait until it's warm enough to sit out on my deck and enjoy our beautiful yard!

waiting: take two...

"Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet" -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau

With only "two sleeps" until the closing on the purchase of our first house, I'm finding myself growing more and more restless despite the VAST amount of work that needs completing.

I don't like waiting!